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50 minutes I $30





REFORMER FOUNDATION Beginner friendly, NOT just for beginners!  Discover the transformative benefits of the Pilates Reformer, or brush up on your skills while you stretch, breath and tone with a focus on classical reformer exercises developed by Joseph Pilates. You'll receive a low-impact full body workout that will leave you feeling taller and leaner, improve your core strength, flexibility, balance and coordination.  This class is osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and minor back issue friendly; however, you do need clearance from your medical care provider and to let your instructor know about any issues that need special consideration.  


REFORMER 1-2 In our mixed levels class, some experience and knowledge of the reformer is assumed, and if needed you should know how to apply any basic modifications to safely practice with an injury, osteo or spinal condition.  We layer in more challenging variations, choreography and endurance-building holds to build on your core foundation!  Breathing, centering, precision, control and relaxation remain priorities in keeping with classical principals of Pilates (check out Bounce class if you're a cardio lover!).  Prerequisites are attending five Reformer Foundation classes or instructor approval.


REFORMER 2 This class is more athletically challenging for experienced practitioners who have completed at least eight 1/2 classes (or received instructor approval), have a working familiarity with reformer exercises, and who are comfortable with jumping, inversions and balance challenges.  Prerequisite for joining this class is an ability to hold plank for 60 seconds and no physical limitations or conditions that require modification.



BOUNCE & ROLLER  This class splits time up on the rebounder, where you'll bounce yourself happy and get that cardio glow on, and the mat, where you'll roll the weight of the world off your shoulders with props for assisted stretching and pilates-based toning work.  Combining the lowest impact cardio on the planet with lengthening and core strengthening exercises, this class will elevate your state and energize you for your day.  Appropriate for beginners and experienced practitioners alike, you decide whether to stay with a gentle bounce or try for some air time.  Options offered for every style of practice!  


*Wait, what's a rebounder?  A rebounder is the mini-trampoline, reinvented with a silent, smooth bounce thanks to its bungee support system (goodbye, squeaky springs!).  Rebounding torches calories, conditions the pelvic floor, builds bone density, improves balance/proprioception and provides a thorough lymphatic flush and circulation boost to help you feel your best.  Classes are limited to four guests plus the instructor and we provide state-of-the-art Bellicon rebounders, which set the industry standard for quality and enjoyment of use.  Learn more about this fabulous bouncing machine here. Truly, you haven't lived til you've bounced!


50 minutes I $25









YOGA 1-2 All levels welcome.  This fusion class focuses strongly on core engagement, alignment and building strength while moving through asana.  Class incorporates self massage and rollers as props to assist the body in releasing muscular tension and building long lean infrastructure.  Our peak poses will bring take us through vinyasas, with the majority of class individually paced with breath guiding our movement.  Note that our studio is intimate, our class sizes small.  We work to customize class to our immediate audience, so if you have a preferred style of practicing, or a goal you're working toward, be sure to let your instructor know.   


YOGA SCULPT  Bump up the intensity in your practice!  In this fun, sweaty and active 60-minute class we'll use hand weights to add cardio challenge and build strength within a yoga-based, full-body workout set to an awesome playlist.  Weights are optional, with 2, 3 and 5-lb. sets provided.  You're invited to bring your own, up to 8 lbs. only please!  Also plan to bring your water bottle!  Grippy towel optional. Unheated. 


YOGA SLOW FLOW  Slow, not easy!  Great for beginners and experienced practitioners alike, this more meditatively-paced class is the place to deepen your practice.  Each class takes a deeper dive into a selected asana (aka "peak pose").  The specific strength and flexibility requirements of the peak pose inform the approach taken to warming up, toning up and exploring growth edges as challenges are layered in with the goal of making even the most challenging peak pose accessible.  Throughout class we will strengthen your understanding of alignment and appropriate modification as needed, while building a solid foundation of flexibility, balance and muscle endurance for a sustainable yoga practice.


VINYASA YOGA FLOW  All levels welcome. This vinyasa yoga class will explore the synchronization of breath and movement. This moving meditation will begin with breath work, to calm and focus the mind, then we’ll move through a creative sequence of seated and standing postures, to stretch and strengthen the body, and finally, class will end with a blissful savasana relaxation. As we flow together, we’ll open our muscles, lubricate our joints, and flush our organs, simultaneously clearing our minds and opening our hearts into a peaceful, more present state of being. 







60 minutes I $25





Take half an hour to begin, renew or simply continue your meditation practice with an opportunity to get comfortable, discuss, trouble-shoot and enjoy a portion of guided meditation and breath work before continuing for a silent meditation.  Meditation has been shown to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety, build stress-management skills and increase self-awareness.  Beginners and experienced practitioners alike are welcome.




30 minutes I Donation based





Spend an hour absorbing the healing vibrations produced by our seven quartz crystal sound bowls expertly tuned to 440hz, a frequency promoting deep relaxation. Each session begins with light stretching, intention-setting and guided breath work. Then you'll settle into a comfortable position and drift away with the sounds. For many guests a sound bath is an effortless way to take a deeper dive into experiencing consciousness and our senses, while others feel a heightened sense of clarity and renewal following a session. Feel free to bring a pillow, we recommend receiving the sound bath lying down.


60 minutes I $28










Extend the benefits of your exercise regimen with a session in one of our infrared sauna blankets by Higher Dose. You'll drift off under the gentle weight of this amethyst and clay infused weighted blanket as the far infrared heat assists the body in sweating away impurities, soothing inflammation and detoxing your system. Choose to wear comfortable long sleeved clothing and socks (bring a change of clothing for after) or request a towel insert and bring your bathing suit. You'll customize the level of heat you'll receive on your personal dial. Even those who swear they aren't sauna people get hooked on this blanket.




50 minutes $25



45 minutes $25


Developed by our certified personal trainer, Spencer Jordan, this full body workout is a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)-style class.  Each class begins with grounding work as well as slow dynamic moves and stretching, working gradually into more fast-paced, high intensity exercises, interspersing bursts of cardio and body-weight challenges with timed rest periods. The offering is designed to efficiently help decrease body fat and increase strength and endurance.  Each class ends with a calming savasana to integrate and seal in the benefits of the work!


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